Monday, October 9

Fancy Canna?

The BBC report that the National trust for Scotland are looking for 2 families to rent its properties on Canna and help stop the population fall any further than its present 15 residents (!). Apparently there is some opportunity to work "for those with building, gardening, electrics or plumbing skills".
The pictured house certainly looks lovely. Although there are only 15 residents, Canna has 30,00 visits a year. The island was sold to the NTS in 1981 by Dr John Lorne Campbell who had himself bought it in 1938 for £9000. It was sold to them on the understanding that they would support the tiny community and not allow the island to become an unpopulated tourist attraction. It's good to see them keeping their word.


Anonymous said...

My wife and I are interested please contact me on

Anonymous said...

Im only 21 but my family is needs a mass change. I love the living implication. I fulley understand it's not a day trip but a way of life. It is possible to contact with details.

Anonymous said...

my partner and 2 growen up sons are interested in this change of alife style. Please contact me with details.

Anonymous said...

I am interested, I'd like more information please. my email is

Thank you,

Tim Gustafson

Adwalling said...

Drystone waller, gardener builder and his family of 4 kids and wife deffinatly interested in this
please contact me

Anonymous said...

My 3 children and I would love this opportunity. Please could you email me more details to: Thank you.

Anonymous said...

contact me please,i,my wife and son of 12 years.would like an opportunity to become part of a small email:| YOU.

Anonymous said...

Glad to have found this blog - exactly what I was looking for.

I think I read somewhere that 2 families had been chosen but
the comment in the blog post about wanting people "with
building, gardening, electrics or plumbing skills" relates to my
general thought that this is probably a very common wish
among island communities. When I looked at emigrating to Australia,
New Zealand and Canada (I subscribed to a magazine I think
it was called "Outlook" - this was around 1990 I think) there was an
ordered list of the most desirable skills that each country was
looking for - I imagine jobs in the public sector are rarer than
hen's teeth but is there any info or guidance on what skills are
wanted either in general or by island community?

Anonymous said...

Glad to have found this blog - exactly what I was looking for.... island commnuity.
- Neil

Anonymous said...

Myself husband and 4 children would love this. My husband is a builder if this is still available please could you let me know. Thank you